Happy and Healthy with Amy Lang

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Helping you create the mindset you need for lasting weights loss,
with a dash of inspiration and stories that will bring it all to life.
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#108: Time To Change The Narrative

We're talking about the stories we tell ourselves, and when it's time to change the narrative.

From negotiating salaries to mentoring to carbs, Cheryl Chavez and I are identifying the rules of the business game and dieting mentality.  Because before we can change the rules, we must first...

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#105: How To Make Exercise A Habit

Cheryl Chavez joins me for another great conversation about how to make the dream of having exercise one of your habits a reality.

If you've signed up for a fitness challenge that promises you'll lose X pounds in Y days, we talk about a better way to think about it to set yourself up for...

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#104: The Power of Story with Jay Croft

Today Jay Croft and I are talking about the importance of communication, the power of story to move people into action, the most important ingredient and key characters.

An experienced reporter and editor, Jay is a consultant and free-lancer in marketing communications for household names like...

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#98: Should You Compliment on Weight Loss

During the holiday season, it's common for us to spend time with friends and family we only see once a year.  Changes in weight are noticeable and no doubt some people will make comments.

Have you wondered if you should compliment someone on significant weight loss?  When you receive...

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